Email Marketing Roadmap for WordPress Site Owners

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Written By Amrit Singh

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Email is the most underrated channel of marketing. It not only brings a lot of clicks but also costs almost nothing. It helps you connect with your customers and keep a specific flow of regular clicks and visits. If you are a WordPress site owner, you can also leverage this fantastic channel as you ask your followers for a newsletter subscription.

There is one thing crucial to understand though, email marketing is not just sending emails to random people. It is way more than that- it is about strategy and execution and reaching the right people at the right time with the right content.

As a WordPress site owner, you can follow these steps to reach that desired level of connection with the customers.

Identify Your Goals

First of all, why do you want to start email marketing? What do you expect from it, and what are you looking to achieve? You need to ask yourself and sit down with a pen and a piece of paper.

Here you start writing down some facts about your website, like how many followers you have, how many email subscriptions do you have. Then, how often and with what type of content do you want to communicate with them, and how do you think your ideal subscriber will react- how much do you think the open rate will be.

Writing these things down will help you realize what will happen in your email campaigns as it is no magic; it takes time and is an evolving process. Writing and thinking about these things will help you set some realistic goals and key performance indicators.


When you run a WordPress website and are looking to start reaching out to people via emails, chances are- you know your audience already, and you know what type of content works for them.

So, your next step is to leverage that. Your emails should reflect an image of your website, and your content should be consistent through the website and the emails.

You can try being creative and quirky and try to keep the tone similar to what is there on the website. It would be best if you decided on the templates and visuals of the email as well. Make sure that your visuals are drastically different than each other in further emails and are similar throughout.

Build The Clientele

Sign-up forms! Once you have planned or started email- you should immediately let your audience know and ask them to subscribe by filling in their information in the submission form.

Remember to put the subscription forms at prominent places on the website.


There will be some broadcasts and some emails that you will send as per strategy or calendar. There will be topical mails as well, and then, and there will be some sequential emails.

These are the emails sent after a trigger action is taken by the subscriber/ customer. For example- a welcome email sent to someone who has just subscribed or a thankful greeting to someone who wrote a review.

These sequences can further be paired with scenarios as how many times a customer has something or whether or not they opened their last email.

These email sequences help you customize and personalize the communication with each customer. If you can create good email sequences- you can control all types of customers and their behaviors.


Once you have an understanding of your expectations and how you are going to do it, the next step is to set foot in the race and start.

Set up your first email campaign and announce your arrival to your subscribers. Try to be as authentic and as related to your website as possible in the meantime, make sure that it is worth the while of your readers.


Reading the audience and their response to your emails is the next step. Once you have set up and sent 2-3 email campaigns, you can evaluate your progress report and how the customers have reacted to different types of emails.

You can compare these numbers to the key performance indicators your set up at the start. You can learn the behavior of the audience and work on the learnings from these evaluations.

If something works for you- continue; if something isn’t- try changing it.


Email marketing is similar for any business and any type of business- it is one of the best marketing channels. You need to be yourself and represent what your brand represents and learn from your work and different reactions from a customer.

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